• Sat. Apr 27th, 2024

The Power Of Good Sex

A place to learn all about the power of good is sex!!

Why Does He Treat Me Like This and How Can I Make Him Stop?

This next subject I’m sure will be very interesting to most of you, hoping you will use this in your life. Now if you are planning on living miserable for the rest of your life with someone that you LOVE that doesn’t love you back and doesn’t treat you like you should be treated, then you probably need to stop reading this book because I wrote this book to help females who are willing to help themselves and make a change for a better life! Remember one thing, we are not in slavery times and NO ONE CAN DO ANYTHING TO YOU THAT YOU DON’T LET THEM!! Remember it’s a free world and it’s yours!! If you are in a bad relationship right now and you are ready to move on, then you should do just that!! I want you to repeat this right now…. I DON’T HAVE TO LET ANYONE TREAT ME BAD!! Say that and tell yourself for the next 21 days! One other thing I want you to say for the next 21 days and from then on is…. I LOVE MYSELF AND I DESERVE BETTER!! When you say it really mean it, I know it will be hard at first, but put it in your phone and have it remind you every single day and no matter who is around you when it alerts you, you say out loud….I LOVE MYSELF AND I DON’T HAVE TO LET ANYONE TREAT ME BAD!! Your mind is the most powerful thing on the planet!! You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to!! Please believe that!! It’s very true!! You just have to believe…

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