• Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

The Power Of Good Sex

A place to learn all about the power of good is sex!!

Why Don’t Guys Learn How to Treat Females When They Are Young?

Here is an excellent subject that I want to share with you and as a man who has dated and been with countless females, I know firsthand why guys lie and treat women the way that they do. This has been going on for centuries but in the past 10 or 20 years it has gotten a lot worst and I am going to share with you why. So, open up your minds because this is VERY important, and all females should hear this! If you are reading this make sure you tell every female that you know to read this!! Ok here we go….

Now as I was talking to this friend of mine and please don’t dare tell yourself that I am basing everything I am saying in this book on one or two females because you would be dead wrong!! Like I have said, I have dated hundreds of women in my days and they all have just about the exact same story! Some may be a little different, but it all comes down to the same thing in the end and that is how they have been treated poorly by their mates! This book is written on a collection of hundreds of stories I have personally received from females over the years, and I still hear from them to this day and they are all the same, but it has gotten a little worse now. I just heard another one last night, and that is why I am writing this because I believe if females don’t start waking up and start using the brains that GOD gave them to use then women will only become slaves to men! Yes, you may think it’s funny or don’t believe it, but if you have been cheated on or disrespected by a man or know someone who has, THEN THIS IS VERY REAL!! Simply because it happens in the first place…CORRECT?…

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